Privacy Policy


In accordance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce (LSSI), in relation to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, General Data Protection (GDPR) and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD), it is mandatory to obtain the express consent of the user of all web pages that use cookies
expendable, before it navigates through them.

"VOSSA" is deeply committed to complying with Spanish and European regulations for the protection of personal data, and guarantees full compliance with the obligations set forth, as well as the implementation of the security measures provided in the General Protection Regulation. of Data (RGPD) (EU) 2016/679, of April 27, and in Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPD and GDD, hereinafter LOPD ).

Obtaining and Processing of Personal Data

Personal data is any information related to a person: name, email, address, telephone number, NIF/NIE... Additionally, when a User visits our website, certain information is automatically stored for technical reasons, such as the IP address assigned by their provider. of internet access.

"VOSSA", as the person responsible for the Treatment, has the duty to inform the Users of its website about the collection of personal data that can be carried out, either by sending an email or by filling in the forms included. on the website.

Only the precise data will be obtained to be able to perform the contracted service, or to be able to adequately respond to the request for information made by the User. The data collected is identifying and corresponds to a reasonable minimum to be able to carry out the activity carried out. In particular, specially protected data is not collected at any time. In no case will be used
different from the data than the purpose for which they were collected.

Contact forms/email

Purpose : Respond to your request for information made through our contact form(s).

Legitimation : The legal basis that legitimizes this treatment is the consent of the User, which may be revoked at any time.

Registration forms/customer registration/contracting

Purposes : Manage your user registration on our website. Manage purchases made. Provide information about the processing and status of purchases. Historical record of purchases made on our website. Management of comments and content. Sending communications via email and/or telephone, in order to inform the User of possible incidents, errors, problems and/or order status.

Legitimation : The legal basis that legitimizes this treatment is the execution of a contract.

Transfer of data : "VOSSA" will not transfer or communicate your data to any third party, except in the cases provided by law or when the provision of a service implies the need for a contractual relationship with a Treatment Manager. Thus, the User accepts that some of the personal data collected is provided to these Treatment Managers (payment platforms, agency, intermediaries, etc.), when necessary for the effective performance of a contracted service or purchased product. The User also accepts that some of the services may be, totally or partially, subcontracted to other people or companies, which will be considered Treatment Managers, with whom the corresponding confidentiality contract has been agreed, or adhered to their privacy policies. privacy, established in their respective web pages. The User may refuse to transfer your data to the Treatment Managers,
by written request, by any of the above means

In addition, in those cases in which it is necessary, Customer data may be transferred to certain organizations, in compliance with a legal obligation: Spanish Tax Agency, banking entities, Labor Inspectorate, etc.


Only people over 14 years of age may provide personal data on this website. As required by the LOPD and GDD, in the case of children under 14 years of age, the consent of their parents or guardians will be a mandatory condition for us to process their personal data.

On the other hand, only people over 18 years of age may contract our services. In the case of minors under 18 years of age, the consent of their parents or legal guardians will be a mandatory condition so that we can provide the services offered, unless the minor is emancipated.

User Registration

When the User registers through the corresponding form, the information we collect includes:

Name and surname
Email and/or phone
shipping addresses
IPName of
User password

In addition, the User must accept the terms and conditions. Passwords are at the discretion of the User. They do not expire. To recover the password, the User must go to the specific form and enter their email.

The User, once registered, has access to a private panel, in which he can see certain content, record of purchases made, etc. You can also manage your account options, such as password or User data.


The information provided by the User will, in any case, be considered confidential, without it being able to be used for purposes other than those described here. "VOSSA" undertakes not to disclose or reveal information about the User's claims, the reasons for the requested advice or the duration of their relationship with it.


This privacy and data protection policy has been drafted by LOPDPro®, a firm specialized in data protection for online stores , on October 9, 2020, and may vary depending on the changes in regulations and jurisprudence that occur. , being the responsibility of the owner of the data to read the updated document, in order to know their rights and obligations in this regard at all times.

FREE returns on all delivery orders in Spain (Peninsula and Balearic Islands)

We accept the return of products up to 7 days after delivery.

The corresponding refund will be made once it has been verified that the dress has arrived in the same condition as it was sent and does not show signs of use.

We send the courier to pick up what you want to return.

To make the return you must notify us by email » and put the following subject:

Return subject - we confirm as soon as we receive the email that we sent by courier to pick up the item. The courier goes through the same delivery address within a period of 4 days after requesting collection (unless otherwise indicated). After the item has been picked up by the courier company, you will receive the amount for a refund within a maximum period of 7 days.

They just have to put the return or exchange item in a bag and hand it over to the courier when they pick it up.

For any information we are at your disposal at